
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lower Your House Insurance Bill

Security. Security for you is also security for the insurance company so they are more than willing to give you a discount if you have them. Install burglar alarms, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, etc.
Combine Insurance Policies. If possible, combine various insurance needs that can be covered by one insurance company. eg: You could get a significant cost reduction if you were to insure your vehicle with the same insurance company.
Up the Deductible. Increase your deductible amount as high as you would be comfortable with. By doing so, you will be lowering your insurance bill.
Know how much coverage you require when getting house insurance that works by replacement costs in case of fire, flood, burglary, etc that may cause loss of your home's contents.
Quit smoking. Most insurance companies offer policies which offer discounts to non-smokers. Smoking is one of the leading causes of house fires.
Ask for discounts. Yes, it really can be that easy! Ask your insurance agent if there are any other discounts that you may be able to qualify for. They will be happy to share what they know.

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